First Responders – don’t delay!

The introductory offer of $49.95 for lifetime access to the online Triple Zero Resilience & Wellbeing program for First Responders – is ending on 28th February 2019.

After that….it will be set to the regular price of $149.95.

It’s unbelievable value – and something that I believe ALL first responders need to have.

Looking after your mental wellbeing is VITAL in this field of work, and this program aims to give you skills & strategies to help you keep doing the job you love – for as long as you can, whilst maintaining a healthy mindset in both your professional and personal life.

For more information – check it out at:


Emotional Resilience & Wellbeing for First Responders – Online Program!

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Yes…you haven’t heard from me for some time now; but there’s been a reason for that!

  1. I have barely used this site since writing my first few blogs (I do everything on my website now: )
  2. I’ve been busy creating a program to help other FIRST RESPONDERS keep doing the job they love, for as long as they can, whilst maintaining a healthy mindset & being fulfilled in both their professional & personal lives!


Since resigning from the Qld Ambulance Service in 2015, and writing the blog (‘Unless you’ve been there you wouldn’t understand. A Paramedics farewell to the job’ ) asa way to tell people who weren’t in the job “Shut up and stop asking me why I’m leaving!”……the response to that surprised me, and jolted me into saying “I have to do something to help others”.

So, I put both my 15yrs of Paramedic experience, together with my more recent ‘coaching’ qualifications….and created a program called the Emotional Resilience & Wellbeing program for Emergency Services personnel (Also known as the ‘Triple Zero Resilience Program’ for my Aussie officers).

Whilst it’s now been available as a 3 day workshop for a little while now, I recently decided to just have it as an ONLINE program only (at this stage) – so that it can be accessible to more First Responders around the world, at their own convenience, and in the comfort of their own home. 

It’s a 6 module, interactive program, with 27 lessons, all with video content, downloadable workbooks & activities, some audio downloads, access to a private facebook group, & more! – Oh, and it’s LIFETIME ACCESS – all for only $49.95 (AUD)


So if you’d like to KNOW MORE about the program, you can head to the website: & click on the FIRST RESPONDER PROGRAM button.


Head straight over to purchase it ($49.95) if you are keen to get started – via this link:



I look forward to hearing from you!

(my email is if you’d like to get in touch!)

Di McMath




This simple task – could save your life.

This simple task, could save your life one day.

If you’ve ever suffered from depression, you’d know that when you feel like you’re in that deep dark hole; that it can quite often be a struggle to find a way out of it.

climbing out of a hole - sitting in there

You know that you don’t like feeling that way, yet you feel no energy to even begin to find a way to climb out of it – because it seems like such a huge task to even think of a way to do it.

Well, what if you prepared yourself for the next time that you were to fall in that hole?

What if there was something that you created, that was readily available – that acted like a small step ladder that gave you the momentum to begin climbing out of that hole?

climbing out of a hole

So here’s how it goes….

Whilst you’re are in a good headspace, take out a small piece of paper and write the heading:

‘My stepladder’

Then write the numbers 1-5 down the left hand side (more if you prefer – to give you a selection).

Next, I’d like you to think of the five little & simple things that you know makes you feel good, and doesn’t take much effort (to physically do, or think about), nor does it require any other people to be involved.

As an example, here’s mine.

  1. Reading my gratitude journal (the actual book I’ve collected gratitude lists for days/months/years).
  2. Write down at least 3 specific things that I’m grateful for – in my Gratitude Journal.
  3. Put on some favourite ‘feel good’ music – start with one of these:

–          (This is where I would have a list ready)

  1. Burning incense & candles
  2. Watch some funny YouTube videos – start with one of these:

–         (This is where I would have a list ready)

  1. Watch one of my favourites comedy or ‘uplifting’ movies

–          (This is where I would have a list ready)

  1. Watching the sun set / sun rise
  2. Sitting (or walking) on the beach

If you wanted to go one step further, simply have one (1) place where you keep your specific things (eg: gratitude journal, candles, incense, dvd’s / USB with funny videos or movies). This way, you don’t have to make much effort at all to try and find them – once you’ve found your list.

happy box

Now, the next time I’m feeling like I’m in a ‘low’ point in my life….I can simply get my list out and start at number 1.

It’s amazing how doing this simple exercise can help you to begin climbing out of your dark hole.

Or – if you wanted to take it one step further; try scheduling these small things that make you feel good – into your daily or weekly routine as a bit of ‘self-care’.

I hope it helps!


Di McMath is a Resilience Coach, NLP Coach Practitioner, & former Advanced Care Paramedic. She is the best-selling Author of the best selling book in Amazon’s motivational business category 2015 -‘Icebreakers’. She is also the creator of the ‘Triple Zero 000 Resilience Program’ – supporting Emergency Service Workers through building stronger mindsets.

Facebook group: Emergency Services Family




3 ways to make better decisions

Wouldn’t it be nice to have had hindsight about some situations?

How often have you said the words;

”If only…..”? 

If only I knew he was going to turn out to be a jerk.”

If only I had trusted my gut instinct in that situation.”

If only we hadn’t have stopped for that coffee….”

If only I had gone in with that lotto syndicate…”

If only…..

If only….

Well, unless you are fortunate enough to be ‘gifted’ with being able to see into the future; you’re unfortunately going to have situations in your life that you’ll often wish that you’d had some hindsight into.


But what if we were able to make better decisions?

The kind of decisions that may have prevented things from turning out the way they did, or that would have made the situation 10 x better?

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Why is it that some of us can have such huge debates in our mind about making decisions, and yet some of us just make split decisions with no hesitation?


Well, here’s 3 things that you can do to start making the whole process a lot easier & more effective!



Studies have shown that in ‘marketing’, people tend to eliminate all of the thing that aren’t relevant to them first – in order to be able to focus on what’s really important to them.

For example, if I’m looking through a catalogue from ‘Target’; I’d glance over all of the things that are irrelevant to me and focus on the bits that I have an interest in or are most important to me.

Same goes with big decisions in life.

Are you too focused on all of the little details that aren’t really relevant in the big scheme of things?


Do these act as excuses for you making the decisions that are necessary?

Do you get upset with someone for the little things, for the real reason being that you love them – and you want to make it work somehow? Because let’s face it….if you didn’t care about them; the little things wouldn’t bother you. Would they?

So when thinking about making a decision; eliminate all the unnecessary crap. The stuff that is really irrelevant in the big scheme of things, and just focus on what really matters.



Now, this doesn’t give you a free card to start jumping on the ‘Negative Nelly’ bandwagon and think of all of the things that could go wrong!

That’s just fear raising its head and speaking up!

‘Fears’ job is to try and protect you, but it can stop you from living life to the full.

…..So, back to ‘anticipation’.

Let’s take some professional sports people for instance.

Footballers are constantly anticipating what their opposition’s next move will be, and make the decision to defend a certain way.

Golfers anticipate where their ball will land if they use certain clubs & swing the club and hit the ball a certain way.

So, just as they don’t play the game relying on themselves or their opposition to make mistakes; don’t always anticipate the worst outcomes that can happen if you make certain decisions.

Anticipate what can happen, both positive & negative….and think about what your next step would be if that happened.

Try not to think too many steps ahead of yourself…

’See it as it is, not worse than it is’.


Practice your ‘what if…’ muscle in a more positive light.

“What if I did go on that holiday? – would things ‘really’ fall apart at work if I was away?”

“What if the disastrous thing that I’ve been imagining…didn’t happen; and it actually turned out to be ok?”

And if you make a decision, & do happen to make a poor choice….

‘It’s never a failure, its feedback!’

Learn from it, and readjust your next decision accordingly!



Now, this is not talking about religion – it’s purely about having trust that you will be supported in the decisions you make.

It won’t always mean being supported by ‘people’ around you, but some sort of higher force – ‘God, the universe, fate,’ whatever  that means for you…but just a trust, a knowing

– that all will work out the way it’s meant to.

Sometimes you just have to take that leap of faith – and build your wings on the way down!


You never know….you may just fly!

So make more decisions….plenty of them!

Take risks,

….be brave enough to make mistakes…….but LEARN from them!

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There are two types of pain in this world…..pain on the road to success, & the pain of regret.

The latter – is more painful & long lasting.



More help to decrease suicide & PTSD in the Emergency Services

What if the current ‘staff support services’ helped….but weren’t enough?

What if there was more to help our first responders?

Speaking from experience and feedback from colleagues…..staff DO want more, and with there still being suicides within the industry – it’s needed!

Do yourself a favour & watch this 2min video till the end. It speaks for itself….and it could just be what you and your organisation need,

so that the next job you go to….is NOT one of your own.



Don’t forget the former officers

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So today I had the pleasure of running into a mate of mine whom is also a former Paramedic, – (and I think he was a bloody awesome one at that!).

However, unlike him – I have never been diagnosed with PTSD, nor have I suffered like he has…but I can understand & relate to some of his feelings; and have total empathy for his situation.

I can honestly say that if I could wave a magic wand and take away the pain that I feel that he constantly goes through….I wouldn’t hesitate, and I’d do it in a heartbeat.

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(pic source: google)

One topic of conversation came up – that I feel needs to be shared, as it is not spoken about enough, and could possibly provide one of the keys to decreasing the suicide rate.

Many former Emergency Service officers – struggle to see their current self-worth.

I know there will be a lot of heads nodding in agreeance at that statement.

Whether you’re an officer who’s served in the service for 5yrs or 30yrs….when you’re no longer on that imaginary pedestal that society (and yourself) has put you on; you can start this destructive soul destroying conversation in your head of something along the lines of:

“What good am I now? What use am I? I used to save friggen lives (or) / keep society safe for a living – I used to be important…..and now what am I doing?!! I feel useless / less than / not worthy of much.”

You can feel a real emptiness because the thing that once filled your life with so much importance….is no longer in your reality.

And it can be this ongoing battle in a person’s head, and drives the need to even seclude themselves from ‘the world’ – until they feel like they can prove that they have achieved something that makes them feel of equal or greater significance; so that they don’t feel like they will be judged by others for no longer being in that Emergency Service’s role that they proudly once held.

This withdrawal or seclusion – can exacerbate the low self-worth / self-esteem.

When you are unable to put on that uniform anymore, whether it be by choice, reasons beyond your control (medically retired – physical or mental injury), or you have reached that retirement age; then there will be a type of grieving process that will naturally occur.

After all….most officers may have viewed their career as a part of their identity for the majority of it.

Because it’s a job like no other….it’s like it’s just in your blood – and like I’ve said before: “Unless you’ve been there – you wouldn’t understand.”

So when you don’t or can’t do it anymore – it’s like a part of you dies. You go through GRIEF.

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(pic source – google)

To be able to transition healthily from a job that you once loved to ‘civilian’ life….the grieving process needs to occur, and sometimes people can get ‘stuck’ in certain stages.

So let’s relate the stages of grief – to a ‘former Emergency Services officer’:


When you’ve done something for so long – (even if it’s an unpredictable job like these)….it can be a bit of a shock to the system to suddenly no longer be doing what felt like such a ‘routine’ for you to do.


Particularly if it’s been a forced retirement from the service (ie: physical or mental injury), it can be a natural response to want to ‘lay blame’.

“If only that hadn’t had happened”

“If it wasn’t for ____________, mucking up – I would still be doing the job”

“If only I hadn’t of done that shift swap – I wouldn’t have gone to that job”

Etc, etc.

The thing with blame, is that it can keep us stuck – and not allow us to healthily transition through the other stages of grief. Blame – is like handing over control to the person/situation that you’re blaming.

“We might not be able to control what happens…..but we can control how we react to it.”


You know what? – It’s OK to be sad, & it’s OK to cry about losing this identity that you felt once defined you.

……but just don’t stay there.

Really notice what it is that you are focusing on – is it positive or negative? Is it about what you no longer have, or about what you have gained? (More about this further along….).


Sometimes prior to leaving the job – you may try to do alternative duties. Something where you can still be in the job – but you’re just not doing the same front line role anymore. Or if you’re out of the service…you may try to still be connected to the ‘Emergency Services family’ in some way, only to feel different from the way you once were, and therefore – may have this constant cycle between bargaining & depression; as it can highlight  your feeling of ‘worthlessness’.


It’s when you reach this stage that you can begin to healthily move on and view your past career as a significant & valuable chapter in your life. Being proud of your time of service, and knowing that all of that experience, knowledge, and dedication – has helped shape you into the person that you are today.

One important part that I believe is crucial to getting to the stage of acceptance and increasing & maintaining a person’s self-worth; is ACKNOWLEDGING & CELEBRATING YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS.

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(pic source – google)

I’m not just talking about ‘the bravery awards’ & the few and far between acknowledgements from the ‘powers at be’…I’m talking about hitting the pause button in your life and really thinking about all of the big & small things that you have ever done – that you can feel proud of.

–          The time you went that extra mile for a patient / member of the community / fellow colleague / boss / family member; where you didn’t have to – but you did it because that’s who you are….a ‘nice person’.

–          When you made a difference in someone’s day or even life.

–          When you saved a life.

–          When you prevented someone from suffering further pain.

Whatever it was…..we need to learn to give OURSELVES a pat on the back.

Because sadly – if we’re always waiting for acknowledgement to come from external sources….it may never happen, or you may constantly be let down, because you expect it.


You don’t need to blurt it out to the world on Facebook how amazing you think you are – but you can have this little place in your heart where you stack the pride on top of one another, so that you’re creating internal pride & self-worth.


And one more thing…..

Coppa’s, firies, ambo’s…..all ‘get’ each other (usually!) Sure – there are some that make you turn your head to the side and the thought – WTF?!! comes to mind….but the majority of the time – yeah, we ‘get’ each other!

So just because someone may no longer do the job – it doesn’t mean that the ones still in the service need to treat them differently. And I’m not saying that everyone does….I’m just saying to be mindful of not forgetting about them. Make that extra effort to keep in touch, – catch up for coffee, have a chat when you bump into them on the street, or even let them know how much you respect them as a person.

Bumping into my mate today – gave me an excuse to sit down, grab a coffee with him, have a chat….but more importantly – it made him feel worthy of still being important in a former colleagues eyes. As he spoke the words…..”You’ve made my day,” I knew that a simple gesture of taking 20mins out of my day….may be all it takes to add a little bit of self-worth in that little place in their heart.

Looking out for your mates – means both ‘current’ and ‘past’.

Something to think about.

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(pic source: google)

#22pushups #ptsd #police #fire #ambulance #military


Platinum Potential 10

Di McMath is a former Paramedic, now Resilience Coach & NLP Practitioner, & best selling author. She is the director of ‘Platinum Potential – Resilience Programs, & created the Triple Zero Resilience Program – a 2day program designed to help decrease PTSD & suicide amongst Emergency Services personnel, through building stronger mindsets.



I see you. A poem for Paramedics

I wrote a poem for all my Paramedic mates. Obviously it won’t resonate with all of you…but just a reminder that you need to care for yourself before you can care for others….so stick your hand up if you need. xx.

– I see you –

‘When I see you through my eyes,
I see a strong and confident Paramedic who’s capable of saving the world.
When I see you through my heart, I see that you doubt your capabilities at times.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see a bright and bubbly personality that’s full of life.
When I see you through my heart, I see that you wish you could feel the fullness of life.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see that you are everyone’s saviour.
When I see you through my heart, I see that you wish someone was yours.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see that you care about your patients and their loved ones.
When I see you through my heart, I see that some patient’s leave big emotional wounds inside you that often split open without warning.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see you as the ‘popular’ one!
When I see you through my heart, I see that you feel alone a lot of the time.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see you wear that uniform with pride!
When I see you through my heart, I see that it can make you anxious sometimes.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see that you can handle any job that comes your way.
When I see you through my heart, you’re screaming out inside for fate to let you avoid them.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see that you were made for this job.
When I see you through my heart, I see that you can often feel trapped into thinking “This is all I know, this is who I am”.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see that you like how others view you – it can give you a sense of worthiness.
But when I see you through my heart, I see that sometimes you don’t feel worthy inside.

When I see you through my eyes,
I see that you always treat others from your heart.
When I see you through my heart, I know that yours is breaking.

So please my friend,
Just take a look – through the vision that I’m seeing…
And when you see that you’re not alone
That in itself – can be freeing.

Remove your mask,
remove your veil,
and let out your inner feelings.

You are never alone throughout this journey,
called ‘The road to inner healing.’


Di McMath –
Platinum Potential Facebook: Platinum Potential Facebook: Icebreakers book




The Uniform – What does it mean for you?

Whether you have knowledge of it or not, donning on ‘the uniform’ each shift can have similar meanings for many.
Just as an actor steps into character, the uniform can deliver many ‘emotions’ when it’s time to put it on and head out the door to another shift. Conscious of them or not, they can determine the officers ‘state’ and have a flow on effect to how they may handle their shift, and how they interact with other staff members & the community.

Emergency Services 1

I have found, that as years go by – there can be many different characters that the ‘uniform’ causes us to play each time it is put on.

Here are just some of the common characters that I believe exist:


emergency services 2– This is when the uniform is almost like a superhero cape with special powers. The
community sees you on a pedestal, and that drives you.
– Often early on in the career, and at times – lasting years.
– Ego driven: a sense of significance when worn
– A sense of confidence when worn
– Often not afraid to trod on toes to get where they want in hierarchy
– Often not well liked by other officers
– ‘Significance’ is often high on their list of values

CLICK HERE to read more…


‘Icebreakers’: How to Empower, Motivate and Inspire Your Team, Through Step-by-Step Activities That Boost Confidence, Resilience and Create Happier Individuals

Di McMath


(author of blog posts : ‘Unless you’ve been there you wouldn’t understand: A Paramedics farewell to the job’

and also ‘Caring for the ‘invisible wounds’: A former Paramedic’s mission to help build Resilience in the lives of Emergency workers’)

Has now released a book:



amazon best seller


Paperback & Kindle available
CLICK HERE to purchase, and follow the links to ‘Icebreakers’ book on Di’s website

Di’s currently creating a ‘RESILIENCE’ program for Emergency Service personnel. 

Register your interest by sending her an email:

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RESEARCH: “Life Coaching can assist the wellbeing of medical personnel – and have a flow on effect resulting in better patient care and greater staff productivity.”


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 “Life Coaching can assist the wellbeing of medical personnel – and have a flow on effect resulting in better patient care and greater staff productivity.”



By Di McMath

Life Coach – LCA Coach, ACTP – ICF, NLP Coach Practitioner, Advanced Care Paramedic, Registered Nurse

 ©.Copyright 2014 – Platinum Potential. Written permission required by owner prior to reproducing in any form.


Other content from Di McMath



ICEBREAKERS: ‘How to empower, motivate and inspire your team through step-by-step activities that boost confidence, resilience and create happier individuals’

amazon best seller